KudanAR - iOS  1.6.0
ARQuaternion Class Reference

#import <ARQuaternion.h>

Inherits NSObject, and <NSCoding>.

Instance Methods

(BOOL) - equalsQuaternion:withTolerance:
(ARQuaternion *) - addQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - localAddQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - subtractQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - localSubtractQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - multiplyByQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - localMultiplyByQuaternion:
(ARVector3 *) - multiplyByVector:
(ARVector3 *) - localMultiplyByVector:
(ARQuaternion *) - negate
(ARQuaternion *) - localNegate
(float) - dotWithQuaternion:
(ARQuaternion *) - normalise
(ARQuaternion *) - localNormalise
(ARQuaternion *) - inverse
(ARQuaternion *) - localInverse
(ARQuaternion *) - slerpToQuaternion:atTime:

Class Methods

(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionWithIdentity
(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionWithX:y:z:w:
(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionFromMatrix4:
(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionWithDegrees:axisX:y:z:
(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionWithRadians:axisX:y:z:
(ARQuaternion *) + quaternionWithOML: [implementation]


float x
float y
float z
float w
OgreMathLib::Quaternion quaternionOML [implementation]

Detailed Description

An ARQuaternion is a class that represents a rotation. Working with quaternions is better than simply using Euler angles because quaternions avoid problems such as gimbal lock.

Method Documentation

◆ addQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) addQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Adds the components of two quaternions together and returns the result.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionThree = [quaternionOne addQuaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to add to this quaternion.
A new ARQuaternion with values (X1 + X2, Y1 + Y2, Z1 + Z2, W1 + W2).

◆ dotWithQuaternion:

- (float) dotWithQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Calculates the dot product of this quaternion and another given quaternion and returns the result.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
float dot = [quaternionOne dotWithQuaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe other quaternion to use for the dot product calculation.
The dot product of the two quaternions.

◆ equalsQuaternion:withTolerance:

- (BOOL) equalsQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion
withTolerance: (float)  tolerance 

Checks whether this quaternion is equal to another given quaternion. A tolerance value is used to account for potential floating-point errors.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithRadians:M_PI/2 axisX:1.0 y:0 z:1.0];
BOOL isEqual = [quaternionOne equalsQuaternion:quaternionTwo withTolerance:FLT_EPSILON];
quaternionThe quaternion to check against.
toleranceThe maximum difference between each component of the quaternion. For example, if the tolerance were 0.1, then a quaternion with values (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0) would be considered equal to a quaternion with values (0.45, 0.52, 0.59, 1.01). The value FLT_EPSILON is a costant value of 0.00001, or 1e-5.
True if each component of the two quaternions are within the tolerance range, false otherwise.

◆ inverse

- (ARQuaternion *) inverse

Finds the inverse rotation of this quaternion and returns the result. This is useful for rotating something back to its original position.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion inverseQuaternion = [quaternion inverse];
A new ARQuaternion containing the inverse rotation of this quaternion.

◆ localAddQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) localAddQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Adds the components of two quaternions together and stores the result in this quaternion.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
[quaternionOne localAddQuaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to add to this quaternion.
This quaternion with values (X1 + X2, Y1 + Y2, Z1 + Z2, W1 + W2).

◆ localInverse

- (ARQuaternion *) localInverse

Finds the inverse rotation of this quaternion and stores the result in this quaternion.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
[quaternion inverse];
This quaternion containing its inverse rotation.

◆ localMultiplyByQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) localMultiplyByQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Multiplies this quaternion's components by the components of a given quaternion and stores the result in this quaternion. This is NOT the same as the Dot Product. It simply multiplies the components together.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
[quaternionOne localMultiplyByquaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to multiply with this quaternion.
This quaternion with values (X1 * X2, Y1 * Y2, Z1 * Z2, W1 * W2).

◆ localMultiplyByVector:

- (ARVector3 *) localMultiplyByVector: (ARVector3 *)  vector

Multiplies this quaternion by an ARVector3 and stores the resulting rotated vector in the given vector.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARVector3 vector = [ARVector3 vectorWithValuesX:1.0 y:2.0 z:3.0];
[quaternion localMultiplyByVector:vector];
vectorThe vector to multiply this quaternion by.
A new ARVector3 containing the given vector rotated by this quaternion.

◆ localNegate

- (ARQuaternion *) localNegate

Multiplies this quaternion by -1 and stores the result in this quaternion.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
[quaternion localNegate];
This quaternion with values (-X, -Y, -Z, -W).

◆ localNormalise

- (ARQuaternion *) localNormalise

Normliases this quaternion so that each component of the quaternion is in the range 0..1 and stores the result in this quaternion.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
[quaternion localNormalise];
This quaternion containing the normalised quaternion.

◆ localSubtractQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) localSubtractQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Subtracts a given quaternion's components from the components of this quaternion and stores the result in this quaternion.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
[quaternionOne localSubtractQuaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to subtract from this quaternion.
This quaternion with values (X1 - X2, Y1 - Y2, Z1 - Z2, W1 - W2).

◆ multiplyByQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) multiplyByQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Multiplies this quaternion's components by the components of a given quaternion and returns the result. This is NOT the same as the Dot Product OR the Cross Product. It simply multiplies the components together.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionThree = [quaternionOne multiplyByquaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to multiply with this quaternion.
A new ARQuaternion with values (X1 * X2, Y1 * Y2, Z1 * Z2, W1 * W2).

◆ multiplyByVector:

- (ARVector3 *) multiplyByVector: (ARVector3 *)  vector

Multiplies this quaternion by an ARVector3 and returns the resulting rotated vector.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARVector3 vector = [ARVector3 vectorWithValuesX:1.0 y:2.0 z:3.0];
ARVector3 rotatedVector = [quaternion multiplyByVector:vector];
vectorThe vector to multiply this quaternion by.
A new ARVector3 containing the given vector rotated by this quaternion.

◆ negate

- (ARQuaternion *) negate

Multiplies this quaternion by -1 and returns the result.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion negatedQuaternion = [quaternion negate];
A new ARQuaternion with values (-X, -Y, -Z, -W).

◆ normalise

- (ARQuaternion *) normalise

Normliases this quaternion so that each component of the quaternion is in the range 0..1 and returns the result.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion normalisedQuaternion = [quaternion normalise];
A new ARQuaternion containing the normalised quaternion.

◆ quaternionFromMatrix4:

+ (ARQuaternion *) quaternionFromMatrix4: (ARMatrix4 *)  matrix

Creates an ARQuaternion from a 4x4 matrix.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionFromMatrix4:[ARMatrix4 matrixWithIdentity];
matrixThe 4x4 matrix to convert to a quaternion.
A new ARQuaternion made from the given matrix.

◆ quaternionWithDegrees:axisX:y:z:

+ (ARQuaternion *) quaternionWithDegrees: (float)  angle
axisX: (float)  x
y: (float)  y
z: (float)  z 

Creates an ARQuaternion representing a rotation of the given angle in degrees around the constructed axis.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
angleThe number of degrees around the axes this quaternion should rotate.
xThe x component of the axis.
yThe y component of the axis.
zThe z component of the axis.
A new ARQuaternion of rotation angle degrees around the axis (X, Y, Z).

◆ quaternionWithIdentity

+ (ARQuaternion *) quaternionWithIdentity

Creates an ARQuaternion with identity, representing no rotation.

Example of use:

A new ARQuaternion with values (0, 0, 0, 1).

◆ quaternionWithRadians:axisX:y:z:

+ (ARQuaternion *) quaternionWithRadians: (float)  angle
axisX: (float)  x
y: (float)  y
z: (float)  z 

Creates an ARQuaternion representing a rotation of the given angle in radians around the constructed axis.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithRadisn:M_PI/2 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
angleThe number of radians around the axes this quaternion should rotate.
xThe x component of the axis.
yThe y component of the axis.
zThe z component of the axis.
A new ARQuaternion of rotation angle degrees around the axis (X, Y, Z).

◆ quaternionWithX:y:z:w:

+ (ARQuaternion *) quaternionWithX: (float)  x
y: (float)  y
z: (float)  z
w: (float)  w 

Creates an ARQuaternion with the given values.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternion = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0 w:1.0];
xThe value to give the X component of this quaternion.
yThe value to give the Y component of this quaternion.
zThe value to give the Z component of this quaternion.
wThe value to give the W component of this quaternion.
A new ARQuaternion with values (X, Y, Z, W).

◆ slerpToQuaternion:atTime:

- (ARQuaternion *) slerpToQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion
atTime: (float)  time 

Spherically interpolates between this quaternion and another given quaternion and returns the result. Slerp provides a "slow in" and "slow out" effect. Each step is not equidstant. When time = 0 this quaternion will be return. When time = 1 the given quaternion is returned. When time = 0.5 a rotation halfway between the two quaternions will be returned. Values below 0 or above 1 will return a larger rotation than either of the two.

£xample of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
ARQuaternion slerpQuaternion = [quaternionOne slerpToQuaternion:quaternionTwo atTime:0.5];
quaternionThe other quaternion to use for the interpolation calculation.
timeRepresents a percentage of how much of a rotation between the two quaternions the result should represent.
A new ARQuaternion representing a rotation between this quaternion and the given quaternion.

◆ subtractQuaternion:

- (ARQuaternion *) subtractQuaternion: (ARQuaternion *)  quaternion

Subtracts a given quaternion's components from the components of this quaternion and returns the result.

Example of use:

ARQuaternion quaternionOne = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionTwo = [ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:45 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
ARQuaternion quaternionThree = [quaternionOne subtractQuaternion:quaternionTwo];
quaternionThe quaternion to subtract from this quaternion.
A new ARQuaternion with values (X1 - X2, Y1 - Y2, Z1 - Z2, W1 - W2).

Property Documentation

◆ w

- (float) w

The w value of the quaternion.

◆ x

- (float) x

The x value of the quaternion.

◆ y

- (float) y

The y value of the quaternion.

◆ z

- (float) z

The z value of the quaternion.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
float w
Definition: ARQuaternion.h:30
float z
Definition: ARQuaternion.h:25
float y
Definition: ARQuaternion.h:20
-[ARQuaternion localNegate]
ARQuaternion * localNegate()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:130
-[ARQuaternion normalise]
ARQuaternion * normalise()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:141
-[ARQuaternion localNormalise]
ARQuaternion * localNormalise()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:148
Definition: ARMatrix4.h:11
-[ARQuaternion negate]
ARQuaternion * negate()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:124
+[ARQuaternion quaternionWithIdentity]
ARQuaternion * quaternionWithIdentity()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:26
Definition: ARQuaternion.h:10
Definition: ARVector3.h:11
-[ARQuaternion inverse]
ARQuaternion * inverse()
Definition: ARQuaternion.mm:154