Android バージョン履歴

Kudan AR Android SDK の詳細リリースノート

Android SDK の最新バージョンは V1.6.0 です。

最新の Android バージョン 10.0.0 で動作検証済みです。

Android バージョン 4.0.2(APIレベル15)以降をサポートしています。


## Kudan Android Framework 1.6.0
* Update Kudan CV with 64bit build.
## Kudan Android Framework 1.5.2
* Updated Kudan CV
* All singletons must now be initialised before use.
## Kudan Android Framework 1.5.1
* Updated documentation
* Fixed issue with ARGyroManager world visibility (KUDAN3D-130)
## Kudan Android Framework 1.5
* Extensive update to the documentation of the whole framework
* ARModelNode’s `getNode()` now returns an ARModelNode rather than ARNode (KUDAN3D-117)
* ARModelNode’s `reset()` now sets `isPlaying` to `false`, rather than the previous of `true` (KUDAN3D-117)
* ARNode now has a constructor that only takes a String to use as the node’s name.
* Significantly reduced the amount of logs that are produced by KudanCV. You should be able to read what’s in your `logcat` yet again!
## Kudan Android Framework 1.4.2
* Added ARBillboardNode * you can now make your object always face you! (Make sure to set the forward direction and lock the axis you don’t wish to update)
* Improved the playback of alpha videos
* Calling `getFullTransform()` on ARNode now ensures that the underlying world transforms are updated first
## Kudan Android Framework 1.4.1
* Added the screenshot() function to ARView
* Implemented the pause() method on ARVideoTexture. You can now pause your ARVideoNode and ARAlphaVideo nodes!
## Kudan Android Framework 1.4
* The library is now released as a .AAR file, to match the wider Android community
* Extended Marker functionality has been added. To make your marker extendable simply set `setExtensible(true);` on your ARImageTrackable after it has been loaded
* Added methods: findChildByName, addChildren, translateByVector, scaleByVector, rotateByRadians to ARNode
* Added method to return application context from ARActivity
* Added method for returning the Asset Manager to ARRender
* Added methods: getNumberOfIndicies, setVertexBuffer,getVertexDataStride to ARMeshNode
* Added methods: getSrcHeight and getSrcWidth to ARExtractedCameraTexture
* Added methods: init, initWithPackagedFile, initFromPath to ARVideoNode and ARAlphaVideoNode
* Altered how singletons are initialised, so that initialise doesn’t need to be called when you first get an instance of your class. e.g. ArbiTrackerManager.getInstance().initialise() -> ArbiTrackerManager.getInstance()
* Other various stability fixes 🏥 😉
New API License Keys are being introduced with this release. Please check for new license keys
## Kudan Android Framework 1.3.1
* Added Marker Recovery Mode
* Built with libpng v.1.5.27 so that Google Play likes us again
* Really fixed loading Texture2D from path
* Fixed an issue with content not loading properly after a scene has been setup (KUDAN3D-73)
## Kudan Android Framework 1.3
* Improvements to marker detection speed
* Fixed loading Texture2D from path
* Removed some pesky bugs to make the framework even more stable
## Kudan Android Framework 1.2.4
* Added ARCameraStreamListener interface to receive camera frame data after processing.
* ARGyroPlaceManager floor height is now settable.
* Added fade in time to ARVideoTextureMaterial.
* Fixed tracking lag in all trackers. Tracking should now be more responsive.
* Added ARPointNode, a class that renders updatable sprites on screen.