iOS バージョン履歴

Kudan AR iOS SDK の詳細リリースノート

Kudan AR SDK は現在更新されていません。

Apple は、macOS 10.14 と iOS 12 以降、すべての Apple プラットフォームで OpenGL と OpenCL が非推奨になることを発表しました。OpenCL は SDK 内で参照されるため、Kudan AR SDK を使用する iOS アプリを Apple Store に公開しようとすると、 拒否され、公開できなくなります。 Google Play ストアでの公開に関して同様の報告された問題は知られていません。


現在の最新バージョンの iOS SDK は V1.6.0 です。

最新の iOS バージョン 13.6 で動作検証済みです。

iOS バージョン 9 以降をサポートしています。


# iOS SDK 1.6.0 – 14th August 2020
## New features
– Added `switchCamera` method to `ARCameraStream`
– Change architectures to `arm64` and `arm64e`
# iOS SDK 1.5.5 – 4th September 2017
* Update Kudan CV
# iOS SDK 1.5.4 – 22nd May 2017
* Minor bug fixes
# iOS SDK 1.5.2 – 10th May 2017
## Bug Fixes
* OpenGL memory leak fix (KUDAN3D-129)
## New features
* Updated documentation
# iOS SDK 1.5.1 – 13 March 2017
## Bug Fixes
* Extensive update to the documentation of the whole framework.
* Added `isEqual:` methods to `ARVector3`, `ARMatrix4` and `ARQuaternion` (KUDAN3D-120).
* Added a `deinitialise` for `ARGyroPlaceManager`
* `ARGyroPlaceManager`should now correctly infer the centre of the screen on iPhones and no longer be off centre horizontally (KUDAN3D-40)
* `ARGPSManager`and `ARGPSNode` have been removed from the framework and shared as open source classes on [Github](
## New features
Added `ARCMMotionManager`singleton. It is a wrapper that returns a`CMMotionManager`instance that should be used if a user wants access to the gyro within the app. This is to adhere to Apple’s recommendation of only having a single CMMotionManager object per app. ARGyroManager has been updated to reflect this change.
# iOS SDK 1.4 – 24 November 2016
## Bug Fixes
* Adding a detectable but untrackable image no longer causes a crash
Arbitrack no longer crashes when it can’t recover a pose (on near-featureless scenes)
## New features
* Extended markers:
* Autocrop markers:
* New API License Keys are being introduced with this release. Please check for new license keys
# iOS SDK 1.3.1 – 16 September 2016
* Made sure the camera texture is reset if the camera stream is changed (IP-145)
* Improved the interpolation of a video going fullscreen (KUDAN3D-72)
* ARGyroManager no longer resets itself when initialise is re-called on it
On ARCameraViewController viewDidDisappear: , ARArbiTrackManager is stopped and other camera resources are now released
* Added a callback for ARCameraStream delegates to get the colour data of camera frames
* Added a method to ARCameraStream to calculate the average colour value of a frame
# iOS SDK 1.3 – 5th August 2016
* Improvements to marker detection speed
* Removed some pesky bugs to make the framework even more stable
# iOS SDK 1.2.3 – 24th June 2016
* Fixed ARAnimatedTexture not rendering properly.
* Fixed ARVideoTexture not properly deallocating.
* ARGyroPlaceManager floor depth is now settable.
# iOS SDK 1.2.2 – 27th May 2016
* Marker recovery mode
* ARTextureMaterial now supports texture blending
* Stability and performance improvements
# iOS SDK 1.2.1 – 7th April 2016
* Fixed crash when registering invalid markers.
* Improved detection performance in dark environments.
# iOS SDK 1.2 – 31th March 2016
* Various rendering fixes
* Improvements to tracking robustness and performance
* Added multi-marker tracking
* Introduced new materials system